Sunday, January 31, 2021

Oreo meets Madeline

Two old people and one Oreo between them

Oreo meets Madeline.

Oreo has a new cousin, her name is Madeline.  She was a Christmas gift for the family. Madeline has had all her shots now so today was their first meeting.

Charlie needed help with a ham radio antenna because the little old lady he lives with had a "hissy fit" about him getting on the roof.  We all know that the main cause of injury in old men is that they think they are young men.

Suzy, Tim, and the boys all came over and Miss Madeline was with them.  We decided it was time for Miss Mattie to meet cousin Oreo.

Madeline is only 7 pounds of happy hyper puppy and of course, our old man Oreo is 3 times her size.

There was no barking, growling, or aggressive behavior between the two.  Oreo sniffed her all over which any proper lady would find offensive. 

Oreo got so excited he lost bladder control in the kitchen. You could tell he was embarrassed so we took him outside to finish his business.

Suzy and I tried to get a picture of this momentous occasion.  It was hardly a " Lady and the Tramp " spaghetti moment.  Many thanks to photographer Oscar. Suzy and I found out how hard it is to get both dogs looking in the same direction at the same time.  We laughed hysterically during the photoshoot.

It will take a while before they play together but it was a good first meeting. Madeline fell asleep cuddled by her mom in a nice warm blanket around the fire pit.  Oreo found Poppa's lap and a warm blanket to snuggle in also.

Hopefully, this will be the start of a growing friendship.

Monday, January 25, 2021


 Dear Mom,                                                                                               January 25,2021

Hello for Tennessee.  This is Kathy, your middle daughter writing you.  It is a cold rainy day today and really nice to stay inside.  I am writing this on my computer while drinking some hot tea and listening to Christian music.  Our little dog Oreo is asleep in his bed next to me all warm and snuggly.

   Your great-grandsons Oscar (12), Charlie (10), and Henry(8) love to play board games.  I taught all of them how to play Parcheesi.  I told them it was a game you learned to play as a child and that you were a really great player.

    I told them how you love to build blockades and made everybody wait for you to break them.  I told them that you were very good at rolling fives to get on the board and how you always knew where to put your players without having to count all the spaces after you rolled.

   I also told them that I played this game with my grandmother (your mom) (their great-great-grandmother) when I was their age.  She always won but never made me feel bad.  My grandsons have favorite colors.  Little Charlie loves red, Henry loves green, Oscar takes blue so I am always yellow.  I remember coming home one evening and you were playing all 4 colors by yourself.  I asked you, “Who’s winning?”  You just smiled and said, “Well I am! Of course!”

   I recently saw an old black and white Christmas picture of Bobbie and me playing    Parcheesi at grandmother’s house one Christmas Day while we were still dressed in our pajamas.  Bobbie and I had gotten a child-size card table ( Red and White) for Christmas.  Again, I was losing but didn’t mind because Bobbie was actually playing with me.

   You were amazing at throwing doubles in the game and always zipped around the board before I could get a single player out.  You were ruthless when it came to sending someone back to their home place.  You would get mad at me much later on in life when I had the chance to send you home but didn’t.  I would tell you that I chose to “extend mercy” and not take you home.  Actually, I really didn’t want the game to go on any longer than it needed to be since I was already losing!     

    It broke our hearts when you lost your vision and couldn’t play any longer.  I know you enjoyed the fellowship of your card games with other ladies in the church.  Your great-granddaughter Emma just turned 14 years old.  She had an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen for her birthday.  I told her about the time you bought an ice cream cake for your best friend Violet Elliott’s birthday and planned to serve it for dessert after the card game but you got distracted by a phone call and left the ice cream cake in the garage on top of the washing machine instead of the freezer in the garage.  She laughed and said that could happen to anyone.  Emma still has fond memories of you and asks about you whenever we speak.

I hope this brought you some sweet memories for you.  Charlie and I love you and pray for you every day.  We miss you so much and pray for the day when we can visit you.                                                 

 Love,   Kathy


Monday, January 18, 2021

Diva Remembers

I am now 71 years old and you may want to know what I was like as a child, the things I did, and the games I grew up with. 

This game" Cootie"  was a favorite game of mine.  I got the game when I was about 5 years old.  Each part of the Cootie had a numerical value and you would roll the die to get the parts you needed.  1...1 body, 2...1 head, 3...  1 mouth, 4... 2 antennae, 5... 2 eyes, 6...6 legs  If you already had the body part you lost your turn and hoped you would roll a 6 the next time.  The winner was the first person to complete the "Cootie".

One of the first toys I remember was this music box that had creepy clowns on it.  It played "Pop Goes the Weasel" and a clown would pop out.  I never realized till much later that the clown would always pop up at a certain part of the song and I was always terrified when it popped up.  I think this is one reason that Diva is very skittish to this day.  I will always jump at scary movies or when I think Poppa doesn't see oncoming traffic and we are all going to die.  Fortunately, Poppa knows that when I jump there is a reason and will start braking.  I jump long before I can tell him why.

One of the first dolls I got for Christmas was called "Tiny Tears Doll"  Her eyes would open and shut and when you gave her a bottle of water she would wet her pants.  I have never been a big doll lover like my sister Bobbie.  She always kept her dolls in pristine condition on her bed. I always dragged mine around half-dressed and dirty from playing in the sandbox with me.  I was intrigued with the doll's eyes and in my medical observations I accidentally punched out one eye on Christmas Day.  I called her Winky after that!

This was always one of my favorite toys.  I love color, and designs and the Kaleidoscope was endless entertainment.  It had pieces of plastic color shapes and when you twisted the bottom part there would be a new design.  I spent hours watching the new design.  It was a good toy to take in the car to keep me entertained.


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Cousin Charlie gets his black belt


What a wonderful celebration today watching 10-year-old Charlie get his black belt at Olsen's Martial Arts.  He had a private celebration with his family and Diva and Poppa.  He has been waiting a long time because of Covid restriction but has persisted in his training with Zoom on-line lessons and private lessons.  He was able to show off all his skills.  I was amazed at how agile he is and graceful with his forms.  He spared with Oscar and actually knocked him on his bottom.  I later told Oz it was really nice of him to take a dive to make his brother look better.

We loved watching his kicks, twirls, confidence, and agility.  I was impressed by his ability to break a board with his hand and break the last one with his heel. He earned his black belt and was given two words...Determination and Patience both of which he displayed to earn his belt.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

   Lucy, you never met my mom, your Great Grandmother Janet Carden Watson.

  Mom came to stay with us while my sister went to see the Ark in Kentucky.  Bobbie and Uncle Joe brought their grandsons Reid and Jay with them. 

She lives in a nursing home now in Alabama.  She just turned 94. . She is in good health but has Alzheimer's disease that has robbed her of her memories.  When I am able to see her I tell her my favorite stories about her and things I remember she did.  She will laugh and say, I did that?  I haven't been able to visit her in over a year now because of the Covid pandemic.  So these are the heart stories of my memories of her when I was growing up.

Dear Mom,                                                                    January 12, 2021


This is your middle daughter Kathy. I am the one who is named after you ...Janet Kathleen. I live in Tennessee with my husband Charlie.  I asked you once when I was growing up why you called me Kathy when my name was Janet.  You told me that you were always going to call me Kathy but  Kathleen Janet didn’t flow like Janet Kathleen.  Your mom, my grandmother, would send me a birthday card every year with Kathleen Janet Watson on it.  It always secretly made me laugh that she didn’t really know my name.

   One childhood memory I have of you, mom is that you would write to your mom every week.  I remember watching you type your letters on an electric typewriter.  So for your birthday, I have decided to follow your example and write you a weekly letter.  Not so much what we are doing but to remember the stories of my heart.  These are the stories I will tell my grandchildren about my     Momma and Daddy.

  Since we just had a New Years' celebrationBobbie and I were talking about the New Year Celebration we had in Idaho when I was 5 and Bobbie was 8.  You and Dad had a New Year’s adult party the year before so you promised that we girls could have our own party the following year.  I think we just had friends who were our age that lived on the base.  I remember we had Beverly and Cami Nickel and another little girl that Bobbie knew.  We all got dressed up and went to the base movies.  We got to see “There’s No Business Like Show Business” with Ethel Merman. 

Dad got all of us popcorn and drinks and we thought we were so grown up.  The movie ended at 9pm and we got to drive around town with party hats and noisemakers yelling, “Happy New Year”. I am pretty sure we were all home and in our beds long before the New Year’s countdown.  It made me feel really grown up and important.

    Your granddaughter Suzy, my middle child and the one most like her grandmother (YOU), loves to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her boys.  They all get dressed up and she plans special food and games till midnight and she has a balloon drop from her ceiling.  This year they had a confetti cannon in her living room.  She says she is still vacuuming up paper shreds! 

     We miss you, we love you, we pray for you every day.  Much love….Kathy